One door closes....

What a day. Talk about a door slamming shut. I guess it was already closing, but still.

Started off the day as normal, off to tots this morning. Ben decided to walk today. He was too tired even to ride his bike. We took it slowly. It was hot. Tots was good, managed to chat to friends I'd not chatted to in a while. On the way home we narrowly avoided another big meltdown - thanks to some very industrious ants that I noticed. Ben missed out on a drink and snack at tots. He's got this 15-20 minute delayed reaction thing going on at the moment - as in, about 15-20 minutes after you've asked him something it's finally made it to the front of his processing queue and by then his opportunity has passed! So the ants saved us. I'd much rather look at ants for five minutes with Ben than have him bawling his eyes out because he didn't get a drink and a snack :-/

Nearly home, and the pottery lady found us! The cup that I did for Steve for Father's Day didn't get glazed properly so they've taken it back to try and fix it. Hurrah! Now that's good customer service :)

Then it was a mad tidy up before one of Ben's friend's came round. He had chocolate biscuits and water while I tidied. Snack and a drink. In a sippy cup, like at tots. Hey ho. I tidied lots!! And got about 2/3rds of the kits done now.

Then a phonecall from Steve. Parting company with B&W. Come and get me.

Afternoon plans all changed, playdates rearranged, tearful husband collected, still no lunch. Thankfully both boys fell asleep in the car without a protest.

Told Ben I was putting the God song on when we got in the car. He said "No! Not that one! Put, Old Glass on!" Old Glass???? So we ended up going through the CD to find whatever song it was that Old Glass was. Turns out it's "How He Loves Us". Gosh that's a hard song to listen to when you've just been told your husband's lost his job. The whole CD is. But it's faith.... When we moved down here, we moved with promises from God, promises about being blessed, about putting down roots, about growth and fruitfulness. If there's any time for growing in faith, it's now. Still not entirely sure what God's plans are. Just have to have faith in his promises, of hope and a future.

Brought Steve home for a quick shower, and he was off for a meeting with HR. Shock, worry, doubt, anger, speechless, as he told me all about it when he got home.

My head is full of craft kits right now so he had to cook dinner as I could not hold a food related thought in my head long enough to do anything about it...

On the bright side of things I actually get to see my husband this week! Have to find silver linings somewhere :)

He's off out this evening to talk about employment law and where he stands with all this. Interesting to hear about that later. Right now, bedtime for the boys. And to try not to fall asleep. I need a drink reeeeally badly. (Just juice, please!)

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