
By bananablip

Humans of Shrewsbury

Me: "Hey. Hope you don't mind me stopping you, but we've seen you around town today and you both just have an incredible look".

Her: "Oh, really? It's kind of an off day".

Me: "So I was just wondering if I could take your picture? Have you heard of Humans of New York?"

Her: "No"

Me: "OK. Well, I'm not a weirdo or anything. I've got a website and stuff".

I've definitely got to work on my patter. 

The aim was to take some landscape pictures today but I find it so immensely dull. Shrewsbury was full of really interesting faces, and so the landscapes will have to wait for another day. Unfortunately, it's back to work tomorrow and so Humans of Shrewsbury may have to become a weekend thing.

(I cheated. This was yesterday. I'm sorry blippers).

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