Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Bed side company

Woke up this morning and couldn't walk anymore- scary!
Bumb shuffling I got to the bathroom but things didn't improve...
Bert drove me back to Antwep and straight to the hospital. After investigations of the A&E doctor and the assistant neurologist an infection of the spinal cord was suspected.
An MRI confirmed the diagnosis- 3 areas of infection were shown. So (more) blood tests were ordered and a lumbar punction to start the investigation to what is causing this. These will take a couple of days. To be safe the neurologist ordered a couple of broad spectrum antibiotics and antiviral drugs. And so starts my night in the hospital - after laying flat for 4 hrs after lumbar punction and 4 baxters with various antibiotics and anti viral drugs - I am starting a quiet evening with home brewed coffee and a Harry Potter book...thank you Abbie, Pippa and Bert to come to my bedside!

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