Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Full House

The shoes say it all really. As well as the five of us and The Dizzle's Girlfriend Ms F, The Girl Racer has had her friend Ms N to stay - I have to say it's been lovely having a houseful. And these young people are really lovely company; its been a pleasure.

As for the rest:

A little bit hungover from the night before, The Dizzle's fault as he forced me to drink whisky after we got back from the birthday celebrations we had been to in North London. However there were some truly enchanting cobwebs in the hedge when I went out to empty a bin this morning, quite amazing, like natural halloween decorations: big, scary classically snapped spider's webs.

A damp mist hung around all day thickening and thinning and eventually turning into a teatime fog. Even the lone adventurer Dylan came in at 8pm as if to say "it's just too unpleasant out there". 

The rest of the day was taken up with domestic chores, though we got a bit worried about Monty who' went missing and turned up at about 4pm. God knows where he had been hiding in this weather.

Top Gun cooked a fantastic family meal - his first time of doing and I have to say it was lovely. Then we chilled. Been a very good weekend, just a shame it can't go on a bit longer ...

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