Clematis 'Nelly Moser'

Today's the day ......................... to feel a little prick

I had my first ever flu jab today - and I'm pleased to tell you that I came through it unscathed.

The only trouble is that I don't think I will ever know whether it worked - because as far as I can remember, the last time I had flu that actually confined me to bed, was back in 1978.  But I've reached that age where they say you should have it - and Mr Knottman recommends it - so that's good enough for me.

Today was such a beautifully warm, sunny day that any thoughts of winter flu seemed very far away.  I was out in the garden doing a bit of tidying up when I came across these little beauties.  They've obviously been fooled into thinking that we're in another season entirely.

I hope it doesn't all end in tears ...........................

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