Natures Jewels

With so much moisture in the air its easy to find the pretty cobwebs in the garden. This little beauty was hanging on the garden parasol. Just wish I had a tripod tall enough to keep the camera still.

You can see the back door in the reflection. Talking of doors, have you noticed I have gone a bit quiet over the door fiasco! Well since I accused the carpenter of not actually making the front door when he said he did, he finished it off that day and we havnt heard from him since! We still owe him £800 and he still owes us a back door!!! I guess we are even now. I hope he doesn't come back. We are going to lay low and see if he calls us!!!!

Still lots of fog about today but I really have a bug bear over the inappropriate use of fog lights. Drivers see a little bit of fog and straight away get all excited and turn the dazzling red beams on, making it hard to tell if they are actually breaking or not! Visibility has to be SERIOUSLY reduced to use fog lights, seriously, as in you cant see 3 cars in front of you!!!! So please guys, turn them off!!!

Home alone tonight as Mr W has his first Police Squash match of the season. I wasn't home from work in time to go along. I'm quietly glad as Im knackered and could do with a few hours on my own!

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