twinned with trumpton


A gorgeous morning awaited us as we had survived the night without being set upon by ghosts and ghouls.
So we headed off to the harbour to look for Pensioner but he was marooned (handy for a Hearts fan) in the harbour as the running order got shifted around. So we took a photo of Tom sporting his new hat (see yesterday's shopping extravaganza) and then loaded up her table and headed out to the country to see the folks for lunch.
Slightly greyer but good enough for the boys to tear up the place whilst Maw and I walked and talked and admired autumn berries and leaves and twisted the knife re: Orkney brother, the X, etc.

Home made pizza (with aubergine? for a 4 y.o. and an 8 y.o.?) and trifle (interesting combination) and then we headed off to meet her at her lad's flat. They looked suitably studenty i.e. under duvets, undressed under the weather, a pile of empties from the night before) so we put up the table and headed back to town; dropped her off and home for home made burger wraps and stuck them to bed.

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