Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


The Bossess is away so it was going to be out before breakfast day but The Boss had seen this yesterday and knew that it would need later light so it was an after breakfast Blip instead. Did you know that my name is derived from this grass? Tussock grass is everywhere in the high country of NZ and I am called after the colour. So now you know. Oh and another little treasure for new comers to this journal.... I am a GIRL. AND a Queen. So any peasant who gets it wrong will suffer the "Off with his head" treatment from The "Other Queen" down the rabbit hole. Unless suitable recompense by way of stars favs or cheese has been made.
This image needs big and you will see the little blobs of sunlight on the individual Tussocks (grass not dogs).
In earlier days, Farmers tried very hard to remove the Tussock but in later more enlightened times they have found that the grass provides protection to vegetation around it and it is now an important part of many management plans of high country areas. Of course it is a pain on the flat if you want to grow crops. The Boss say that sometimes I am a pain on the flat as well. Hmmmmm.

Now a word to the fans. Your unfailing support has had me in the spotlight for the last 3 days and I would go horse hoarse trying to bark thanks at you all so please take it as BARKED. You are all worthy of a Tussock Cuddle. (((((....))))) Ahhhh!
Oh sorry about that... I need my nails clipped.

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