Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Snowdonia day 4

Another lovely day in Snowdonia.  Today's walk was through some very rocky woods and Llyn Geirionydd and Llyn Crafnant Reservoir so Misty got her paddle.  I got to a certain part of the walk and thought I've been here before and it was a walk I did on my first visit to Snowdonia also in November about 8 or 9 years ago.  I bumped into a group of young people and whilst I was waiting for them to pass on the narrow path a man came up to me and asked how the scone was yesterday!!  It was his fault that I had a scone as he told me I had to have one as they were fantastic, so how bizarre to meet him again today.  He told me he was in charge of the youngsters!  Its been so hard again to decide what to blip it was a toss up between this one and the one in Extras.

After the walk we went to Conwy for some provisions and had a few minutes looking at the castle.  It was very dull there and the photos weren't very good.  Will try and go back time permitting.  

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