Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

And what is more ...

... you'll be a man my son.

The Dizzle's 19th Birthday, which for some strange reason feels more like a coming of age than his 18th did. Probably because of everything that has happened in the last year, for both of us. In one defining moment we stood at the end of the road in the surprisingly warm November darkness with his brother, his best friend and The Girl racer's partner. We all had a glass of Scotch, a cigar and a licence to banter. It was warm, funny, poignant and silly all in the same moment. I felt both incurably old and irrepressibly young. And I realised that the marking of time is a both a phantom and a reality. Like Schrödinger's cat I was in two states of existence at the same time and both were real. I felt both happy to be the father of three wonderful children and sad at the passing of the years. I felt incredibly alive and aware of my own ageing.

As we get older things change. If we have any sense we realise that change is in fact the only thing we can rely on.

As for the rest:

Everyone went off (after a lovely birthday breakfast for The DIzzle) to London, and I went to work, a little heavy hearted at not being with the rest of my family - my own disorganisation being to blame.

More training at work. People turned up, we did it, they went back to their desks. Hopefully it will make a difference.

Some minor cat problems that bought back a few memories ...

In the evening we had a great family meal and played Uno and I have to say it was lovely.

And now to bed.

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