
Me, this morning - hospital for pre-op.  2 hours later, another 4 vials of blood taken from me, many questions, much discussion.  

Not all good though - my operation is scheduled for APRIL 8TH.  That's just over 6 months by my reckoning.  It's my own fault as well - it's because I am complex and need 3 specific surgeons due to what is being done to me.  Scheduling 2 surgeons was, if you recall, very difficult when my hysterectomy was done.  Well, add another one into the mix and I appear to have created some sort of scheduling nightmare for them all.

Adding insult to injury (well, long term pain), that date is the day of the Muse concert in Manchester, which I had got tickets for.  So James and Lew will be going without me.

Anyway, that aside, it was James' parents evening tonight.  I am very pleased - being predicted grade B across the board.  However, despite the fact that I am secretly very pleased about that, his teachers are (like all teachers, because this is the ridiculous state of things) focussed on targets.  He has targets of A across the board.  To be fair - he is coasting, so although I am happy with the grades, I know that he can squeeze a lot more progress.  However, we need to do the timetable on the fridge thing because the number of subject catch up / revision sessions / performance practices etc that have been mentioned tonight basically mean that he doesn't have a spare evening in term time until the exams finish.  Going to have to monitor for burn out.

Says the woman who has no idea about balancing work and life.

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