
Up at the allotment this afternoon to prepare the ground for and sow broadbeans ready for an early crop next year. It remains incredibly mild so the dahlias on the plots are still in full bloom.

I also cut back all the raspberries which wasn't a problem but I also wrecked a small apple tree nearby by cutting off both stems. It has sent a sucker up from the rootstock. I cut this off but couldn't get it out of the protecting collar, so I cut the stem above the collar too, but it was the wrong one. So upset, perhaps it will grow a new shoot, we'll have to wait and see.

I have been diligently playing the ukulele every day; the tips of my fingers on my left hand are sore. Apparently they form callouses with use and the pain goes away. Very interesting though and a challenge to understand the instruction book which isn't always that clear despite its claim to be one for absolute beginners. Found a good app on iTunes called iUke which has songs to play along to. I'm having to slow the tempo right down to get anywhere near the tune. Jingle Bells is played at the pace of Silent Night. Try it!

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