Brightness on a dreich day

One quick snap of the marigolds on my way through the garden to the car in the rain. I liked the shape of the three.

What an annoying morning. My lemon drizzle cake erupted and drizzled all over the oven. I hadn't noticed the shelf wasn't in straight. Then my meringues flattened themselves.

I had a nice afternoon though. I went to the nail bar and had red sparkly gel put on my toenails. I feel festive already.

Then I walked along to find the travel agent the post card was addressed to from a grateful client - the postcard I found in the barrel at Post Office Bay in the Galapagos, where tradition has it sailors would drop mail and pick up any to deliver on their route. Amongst all the dozens there I found one for a Newcastle address so thought it would be fun to take it in person. The chap was so delighted. We got chatting and he is such a good salesperson he is looking into organising a trip for us to Zimbabwe. I have been trying to find a way to do a walking safari around Mana Pools without paying luxury prices, but so far even their local short tented trips are far too expensive, so it will be interesting to see what he comes up with. Mr C took it well!

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