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It was a long day today. This current group of trainees are incredibly messy, disorganized and not very punctual. My colleague and I had to give them all a talking to this afternoon and we decided that everyone could have 'an afternoon free' on one of their non-teaching days this week. Hopefully, this will relieve them of a bit of stress, help them to stick to written assignment deadlines and be in the right place at the right time.
The room we're doing inout in this month isn't the usual lovely big one and so that adds to the feeling of mess, with their bags, folders, papers, chargers, devices and the usual paraphernalia all over the place. We can't use our usual input room as it gives onto the Main Street and for security reasons these rooms can't be used until bollards are put up outside on the street. It's the 'advice' of the British Embassy and there's discussion on who should be paying for the bollards. This has come about since the bomb was thrown into an Italian Enbassy building a couple of months ago. I suppose better to be safe than sorry.
Dinner tonight with friend/colleague/fellow blipper Cairoundercover. We went to Hanna's the Korean. Good to catch up. Blip was a taxi grab on the way home from dinner.
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