Another Little Friend

No sign of the sun today ... In fact it's hardly stopped drizzling since just before daybreak ... Apparently, however, it's been the mildest 6th of November on record ... (although that didn't stop me getting soaked whilst making my deliveries) ... :o/
But all this soggy weather was no problem for my little friend "Rocquettes" (the frog) ... If I'd accidentally stood on him (which I very nearly did), then that might have been a problem ... but luckily (despite the poor light and despite being highly disguised as a dead autumn leaf) I saw him before any harm was done ... So after quickly taking a 'blip-shot' of my new pal, I gave him a gentle tickle and he hopped off out of harms way ... :o)
Note: Just in case you were wondering about the frogs name, "Les Roquettes Hotel" was where I was delivering to at the time ... (and I had to name him something) ... :o)

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