Cor wot a....
...scorcher, etc etc.
This thermometer lives in the shade behind the strawberry pots, though it is propped up amongst the wilting strawberry leaves for this shot, taken just after lunch. Later we got up to 39 degrees, so as you can imagine it has been a delightful day to be stuck in front of a computer in a room cool enough to actually contemplate a cardie.
Some essential trips out taking Katherine to and from her various Wednesday activities in a super hot car, and for some strange reason I chose today to spend half the afternoon baking - with that hot oven on. But we had a bunch of small boys running around the house, so tiny lemon cakes and cookies were essential to keep order.
Everything has needed a good soak with the hose tonight (I might try that myself) with even mediterranean plants looking a bit sorry for themselves. Despite all the recent rain, we do still live in an area where water conservation is important, so the flowers will mostly have to take care of themselves - I focus on watering things I can eat! The weather is set to break on Friday though - so everything will get a good soak then.
Now, after a long hard day mostly in front of a screen, it must be time for a long cool drink of my own and some thoroughly mindless telly. (If this football goes to extra time I will not be happy.)
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