Plus ça change...

By SooB


The pretty coriander flowers are in the course of turning into these lovely looking seeds. Hopefully in the end we'll get something for the kitchen out of this, but in the meantime these are pretty enough and smell wonderful when crushed between the fingers.

Another day slaving in front of a computer today, but part to good purpose today, actually carrying out a freelance assignment rather than just bidding for them. Small fry for now, but it's a start. And another gloriously sunny day. Hopefully tomorrow I will get the chance to take advantage of the weather a little bit and have some time out in the garden - or at least more than just nipping out for a quick blip.

I did manage a quick trip out to the shops, and a wander around town - but cut short by the post office being open earlier than I expected. Conor had a day out at Albi today - though why they wanted to take a bunch of 6-9 year olds on a trip round a Cathedral for their end of term treat I don't know. Anyway, he seemed to have a fun day, though his only comment about it was that they weren't allowed in the dungeons. (Cathedrals have dungeons? That's a new one on me.)

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