Lupin Cove

It’s that time again when The Lupins leap into life and The Bossess’s eyes run and The Boss takes Hay Fever stuff.
Dogs of course having been designed with superior sniffing gear are not bothered with Hay Fever which doesn’t produce a fever anyway and there is no hay for miles. No wonder it is hard to understand The Boss at times especially when he is wanting me to stop something I like, like barking at passing dogs. It is very important to tell them to keep out of my territory and other stuff….

This is a new area for Lupins and I can’t recall it being so colourful last year but then again I can’t really remember much about last year either or even last week except really important stuff like which dogs to bark at. I remember that really well.
The Boss spent time this arfo painting some new chairs that came from Cape Cod (thats a fish) I couldn’t smell any fish but the red ones smelt different to the white ones.  The Boss said the white ones were only undercoated but I couldn’t see the coat either and he also added that the red ones will need another coat. I wonder if that will be a Thunder Jacket? 
YAP The Fireworks are still going.
I would bark 3 cheers when it stops but there are in fact 4 of them (chairs) so maybe I will just retire for a ZZZ in peace on one of them when it has a coat on it.


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