Now you see them.....

The Curls that is. It was a really hot outing this arfo and The Boss has said they are going next week. I think I am actually pleased as we sat in this shady grove on a track above the Outlet and he used his fruitphone to capture the moment.
HEY! We had another moment earlier when this blokess and Bloke biked towards us on the outlet track and the Blokess said “Are You A Blipper”. I missed this bit as I was retanking down at the lake but I soon returned to meet the lovely ‘B’ whose legs tasted sorta Irish I thought and it appears that her Sister (in Ireland) was a Blipper and further more, a quiet Tussock watcher (to be sure) so The Bloke whips out his camera and I posed with The Boss for a Tussock Moment.
The Boss says that these used to be Kodak Moments but something bad happened and they forgot to invent the digital camera and lost the plot…so to bark.
I lost the plot too in the middle of T. That’s T for scrambled eggs not T for Tea or T for Tussock either. Well Actually I got lost “Cos The Bossess noticed that I had failed to appear as the knives were laid on the empty plates asIdo and went looking for me. There was much calling but in fact I was having far too much fun with my recently resurrected Frog squeaky toy in The Bossess’s walk in wardrobe…Scene of earlier heinous crimes involving The Bossess’s best leather boots. (Puppy Stuff…OK?) In my enthusiasm I had bumped the door closed so couldn’t respond to her calls. She seemed glad to see me but I hadn’t actually realised that I was lost. Squeeky Frogs can do that.
The C Word?

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