Eternity Tree Number 129

Our city is sometimes called The Oak City. This is because there are many, many very old and not so old oak trees to be found in the city and in the nature preserve to the south of it, the purpose of which is to keep as many oaks as possible in their natural environment. All for the benefit of animals, insects, plants and future generations.

Some trees have been selected to be Eternity trees, because they are for some reason extra valuable and will get a small plaque to tell everyone they are special. They are to be preserved and cared for and never to be taken down, not even if they die. And not only oaks, all sorts of old trees.

Anyway. A handful of the 200 trees are on our standard morning walkies. This is the most magnificent one. It is a great oak with a circumference of 546 centimetres, which is a lot. It possibly dates back to the days of King Gustav Vasa who lived in the 1500s. I'll blip the tree itself as soon as I can.

We had a quiet, snoozy day. The only thing that happened was that we met a huge standard poodle called Leo on our morning walk. He was a little bit too eager for my liking. Tonight was movie/Downton night. I love movie night!

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