or perhaps it is called landing stage. I am not sure if this place was once used by swimmers or perhaps by fishermen. Anyway nobody seems to use it any longer.
The sun came out today. And called for a lazy day mostly.
In the afternoon Piet Hein and I went walking. And spotted this abandoned what shall I call it.
I felt rather tired after our walk. But now after our meal I will Skype with my sister and that is great!

Derelict Sunday is hosted by freespiral. Thank you frespiral, a really remarkable challenge it is.

My haiku:

If I go swimming
Or if I don't this derelict
Board I'll avoid.

And the proverb:

It is Dim Sarsnick with him.

1917 Bridge 84 

(Dym Sassenach''  =  I don't understand English.

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