Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Back to the Future

Not my own picture today, sorry, but one from twitter. I saw Back to the Future trending and assumed it must be on tv. It turns out today is the future date set in the time travelling car in the film. Fun fact! I still need to see the one where they actually go to the future - or today, if that makes sense. I wonder how 27/6/2012 has actually turned out in comparison...

My mum and sister were travelling by train, not car, today down to Loughborough university for their open day. I can't believe Hilary is old enough to be going to those now! She's excited that there are a lot of team GB people about the campus preparing for the games at the moment.

N.B. Since posting this I have been informed it isn't actually Back to the Future Day today. The things you can do with photoshop. Gullible me...clearly not the only one who fell for it. Mum and Hilary still went to Loughborough though!

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