So near...
... and yet so far from being a good day.
All the signs were good: kids both at school this morning so we can both get admin out of the way and allow ourselves a family afternoon at the zoo. The zoo was great - a bit windy but nice and quiet. They've a tapir baby, very cute, and all the animals were out and about, despite the weather.
Unfortunately technology stepped in - you remember, the gizmos and gadgets that are supposed to make our lives easier and free up our time for leisure? Here was my 'easy' day:
1. The only card I'd brought out for the camera lost it's little locking device ... and was in the locked position for some bizarre reason. No matter how carefully I tried with a hair clip there was no turning it back on.
2. So, I thought, my phone probably has the same kind of card and it might be the same as my camera needs. Cue several minutes exploring my phone trying to find the card (ok, so this one is more me being a dumb-ass than some techy issue - I don't think it actually has a card).
3. Back at home: I have been plagued for weeks by lack of access to our super-huge external hard drive (accessible from anywhere in the world, don't you know, but not it seems from our living room). Much research on techy websites confirmed what I suspected: hardware is fine, software supplied with it is a pile of poo. So I uninstalled it. Obviously. Two hours (5 computer restarts) later, it was finally gone. And so was my internet connection. I've tried all the usual tricks but it just won't work even when I plug directly into the router, and now I just want to cry.
We have a friend who's very good with computers, but whenever we ask him any computer related questions he just replies: "first, get a Mac". I think I might listen to him this time.
Anyway, long way of saying here's a late (because of much time spent trying not to shout at my computer) blip of a blurry (because of slightly rubbish, cardless, camera phone) penguin.
I know how he feels. Jump, jump....
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