Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Lap Blanket / Absolutely Batsh!t Insane Drama

WARNING! Harsh language ahead!

So, this lap blanket is a late birthday present from a good friend of mine. Knitted in my three favorite colors.

Life has been absolutely batshit insane. Weather was bad so our drive took three days instead of two.

Then Step-Monster (formerly known as Step-Dad) is completely unreasonable and abusive. To the point that B and I were immediately looking for another place to say.

Incubator comes up with a brilliant (that's sarcasm) plan to kick Step-Monster out of the house, but doesn't want him to hate her so Gran has to do it. She then puts on an Oscar-winning performance of getting abducted and the two of them try to run away together, stealing Gran's van in the process.

Then they come back, barging into the house like it's their God-given rite.

Much abuse and harassment occurred. Police were called. Incubator and Step-Monster try to exploit a shitty loophole in the law to keep harassing us.

Police kept getting called.

I went to the courthouse and filed an ex parte against both of them. They were both granted. Now they can't set foot in the house without being arrested. I have a court date in a couple weeks to see about getting outright, full restraining orders against them.

Don't know where they ran off to. Don't give a fuck, honestly, as long as they leave us alone.

We've officially been here for eight days. All this shit started after only about twelve hours of being in town.

We did absolutely nothing. Gran kicked them both out. Said she wishes she could pick both me and Incubator. Realizes that she can't do that, and that doing so all the time in the past has irreparably damaged and harmed me. So she chose me this time.

Incubator and Step-Monster took all the TV, internet, and phone equipment out of the house, but have yet to cancel the account on the house. What that means is that we can't use our account on the house until their account is removed. So Gran can't even call 911 in an emergency because there's no home phone and they forced her to give up her easy to use cell for a smartphone that she just can't use.

So I called the company the account is with. I can't close her account without the right information, but customer service told me to take my ex parte to one of their store locations and they'll remove the account from the house.

Oh, and most of our stuff is in a storage unit under their names. Which means that they've probably destroyed most of what we own, including our washer and dryer.

I wish we'd never left Texas.

I'm really sick of life right now.

I hope you all are doing well. Take care. Love you all.

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