Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

No words can express my sympathy for France, so I'm not even going to try.

As for the rest of the text part of my post, some will be copied from a Facebook post I made earlier tonight:

"Made hard candy today.

First batch I made by concentrating a nasty herbal tea and making candy with it. (It's another one of B's disgusting homeopathic solutions to my health issues. Tastes awful, works great! And yes, I asked him for it.)

A batch of candy that should have taken only 40min to make took around 2hrs because Apollo somehow got out and today he and Tuxie decided to wage WWIII. I wasn't brave enough to try to wrangle Apollo today, since he gave me a nasty bite that hit a blood vessel (and collapsed it), a tendon -- and I think even hit the bone -- last night.

So I had to keep abandoning my herbal candy to break up cat fights.

All things considered, the herbal candy turned out really well! And when that disgusting tea is made into candy, it's DELICIOUS! I'm finally on the scoreboard! Jada - 1, Nasty Remedies - 2.

Meh, I'll catch up. Just wait.

I ended up encasing two burners of the stove in burnt sugar from boil-overs from the first batch. I wasn't really upset about that because I'd already been planning on cleaning the stove this evening. It's nice and clean now!

Second batch of candy was made in much calmer conditions, despire Incubator stirring up shit.

Orange vanilla flavored, an attempt to make a dreamsicle flavor for B. Turned out wonderfully!

Got the perfect glass first try! (Herbal batch would've but I tried to aerate it to make the candies lighter and dissolve faster and failed miserably.)

All things considered, not bad for a day spent sick and recovering from a gnarly spider bite on my neck and extremely swollen and tender lymph nodes. (That's what the nasty tea was for. Stopped and then reduced the swelling, and helped with the tenderness! That man was an amazing alchemist in a previous life.)

So yeah. I'm pretty satisfied with today.

Snuggled up with Nova, about to start in on Jane Eyre. So far the only books he's allowed me to read (and seemed interested in) are The Time Machine and The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. Most books he won't even LET me read.

So I'm gonna see if he's simply a classic literature kitty.

Here's hoping for some reading with Nova!"

And yes, it turns out that Nova is a classic literature kitty. Which is just fine with me! I like much more classic literature than modern. So that just means I need to go out and get more classics!

WARNING! Language some may find offensive.

Today Incubator and Step-Monster admitted to B that they are actively avoiding being served the ex partes I took out against them.

They're under the very misguided belief that if they aren't served, the ex partes aren't enforceable. Which is complete and utter bullshit that can easily be debunked by a simple Google search of Missouri law. B tried to correct them, but they said that they'd been told otherwise.

So either they simply believe it because they know everything, or they were given very bad advice by someone that either wants them to get arrested for violating the ex partes, or the person doesn't have a damn clue about how ex partes and restraining orders work in the state of Missouri. (Pretty sure it's the same in most if not all states.) Considering how many bridges they've been burning in a blaze of arrogance and reckless abandon lately, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they were intentionally given bad advice.

They want me to drop the ex partes against them and for "us" (Gran and B, really, they don't give a flying fuck about me) to have a sit down and "be adults" about this.

I've been an adult about this from the beginning. In fact, I've been so adult about this, that instead of taking matters into my own hands (or throwing temper tantrums, threatening to hurt people not letting them have their way, and stealing someone's minivan like they did -- keep in mind, Incubator is 45 and Step-Monster is at least ten years older than her) I instead got the law involved and filed ex partes against them.

They're still holding our stuff in storage hostage. If I don't drop the ex partes, they won't give our stuff back until a judge tells them to, even though they got most of their things out of this house and we haven't been refusing to give them the rest of their belongings.

I love my gran very much, but if she takes Incubator back after this latest nightmare of her (Incubator's) creation, I'm walking away and she'll never see me again.

I can't keep doing this dance.

I'm done with Incubator. Completely. I don't want her in my life at all, not to any degree. I just want to try to live my own life, free of her toxicity.

Anyways, that's enough for today.

Still without internet, so trying to take it easy on the data.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care. Love you all.

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