Wet, wet, wet

Marty Pellow couldn't have been as wet as I was today when I got such a soaking walking down to the GP. I need to increase my meds yet again, but not until after I get back from my next trip because I need to have blood taken after a couple of weeks as they could cause a kidney problem. Hey ho.

Book group,in the afternoon, another Stefan Zweig, "Beware of Pity". Most people liked it but I found it laboured the point too much. A good read though. In January it will be our 100th book, so we are going to have one of our member's husbands come to talk about his book just published. We'll all have to buy it now! It would have been more impressive if one of us had had a book published, but still.

November is the most gloomy month. Here is a damp fungus of some kind.

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