
By FergInCasentino

Let there be light

The result of the all the felling and sawing and rigging and chipping and carting is that we now see these old Maritime Pines and the winter light in-between rather than a wall of evergreen Holm Oak.

The pines are probably 80 years old and the rumour goes that people were paid to plant them when this area was being transformed from bare sheep-grazed downland to a residential estate. Since then the trees got the upperhand and much precious downland habitat has been lost.

We felled some more today with much crashing and I continued solo with some smaller wayward trees until the light began to fade. That's John's house between the trees that I can now keep an eye on and our 'For Sale' sign.

With such a bounty of wood and light who would want to move anyway?

Many thanks to C who got today rolling/falling and was coming down with the horrible cold/flu that has laid The Principal low. Still ill she is leading a big initiative up in The Town.

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