Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Things I've Learnt Since Moving Out.

1. We go through an obscene amount of toilet roll. 
2. I spend hours in the night working out finances. 
3. Half of 550 is not 225.
4. I still don't stay up late.
5. I never run out of washing, always keep on top. 
6. I don't think my clothes horse has been put away since I moved in.
7. No idea who my neighbours are.
8. I have an obsession with changing over hand towels.
9. I go food shopping a lot. 
10. My wheelie bag is my life. 
11. Just because I'm closer to the town doesn't make me thing 'Oh, I'll just nip to the shop'.
12. I am completely broke and literally have 0 anything always.
13. I love to cook and I cook 3 meals a day and they are always healthy and interesting. 
14. I love the sound of my washing machine being on after a long day.
15. Being healthy isn't expensive, you just need to know where to go.
16. My electric blanket and I are in a fully committed relationship.
17. Even though I do less travelling, I still seem to have no spare time. 
18. I've watched a lot of films.
19. I'm flat proud, I'm not ashamed. 
20. Door stops are like the holy grail. 
21. Now I pay for things I feel entitled to have an opinion on grown up life. 
22. Its nice not being with your family all the time. 
23. Fairy lights make a house, a home.
24. You'd be surprised with how much stuff you don't really need. 
25. Bleach and hot water will unblock a toilet. 
26. Anti-bacterial wipes and a god send.
27. I have more key chains that keys. 
28. I love my cat eye mask I wear for bed, I suggest you all purchase one. 
29. Cistern blocks are key.
30. I freeze everything. 

Happy Blipping.

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