Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Paper games

The weather this afternoon was a touch unpredictable, so the girls and I got out the paper and scissors, and made chains of girls, hearts, men and also these fortune tellers.

It was the Youngest's favourite way to kill some time, probably not my best choice of activity, as we have been working on her not making confetti, it drives me demented trying to clean up. She's a natural born snipper. My pay back for being a doodler, which drove my parents mad?

My favourite 'fortune' was "You smell like farts". Most of them were lovely warm fluffy sentiments like "You are beautiful" "Everyone loves you" "You will be famous" I dread to think how this family will get fame "You will be rich"

No points for guessing who made the fortune teller with "You smell like farts"...

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