Guess what this is?

It was one of those days blipwise, trying to find something to post. Outside was no good, too dull, wet and miserable and I wasn't inspired to look for the odd, quirky or unusual angle.

Spent the morning in a meeting monitoring achievement data in the primary school where I'm a governor. Well, I say monitoring. Those of you in the business will know that a new national curriculum has been introduced in the past 12 months along with a different process for assessing progress and achievement. So the years of data accumulated, the thousands of hours spent on the previous system have been thrown out and we're all working on a new model.

Hasn't it always been thus, just when we thought we knew what we were doing those who make policy decide that we need to be doing another way now. It's obvious we don't have enough to do. And Governors, who by and large are lay people, volunteering for the good of the community are expected to get to grips with a new system and still hold schools to account.

I'll tell you tomorrow what this is, unless there are any correct guesses before then....

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