Autum lingers on, allbeit a bit damp this morning

Awoke to the astonishing news that Trump had Triumphed in the USA Presidential Elections. That's the second time this year we've woken to astonishing news. My wife was of the opinion that he would win as the more he was condemmed for his campaign by the establishment the more likely he would be to attract voters who believed they'd been ignored by politicians over several years. It's a parallel to what happened in the UK with the Brexit campaign. One astonishing event is a surprise, two becomes a reason for finding out why and doing something about it. I recently red Nick Clegg's book, Politics between extremes; he has some answers as to why, but I do accept that only one person's point of view.

On to more mundane things and things like a walk after a wet night. Damp leaves but still some autumn colour. Then home for a quick lunch and back out again to referee an Under 19 school rugby match at the school I began my teaching career at 40 years ago this year. The team I refereed today was a direct descendent from the first team I ever coached there as a newly qualified teacher. Those players are all in their late 50s now!

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