Glamour glow

Rosie has a new light up collar so we can take her for walks in the evening, it is too had to try and get everything into the daylight so dog walks can now be shifted to later in the day. If I can wrestle it off Will that is.

And now I am listening to him read. It has been a long drawn out battle to get him to read to me and having won that one I am now faced with his very quiet monotone "reading" voice which makes the story absolutely impossible to follow and the longest ten minutes of the entire day. I am channeling my best voice of encouragement and praise, thinking I may also chuck a bit of bribery into the equation soon..

My dad is home from hospital all well and good. Well, actually I assume that, I last saw home being driven away from the hospital carpark but have no reason to think otherwise so will continue with that assumption.

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