Forest Parkour

...or: Do you think THIS is a big rock? Just check out the one over there!

It was a glorious morning, so we went out to the dog club for a nice, long forest walkie and possibly a little bit of fun. The agility gear was still out - yay! - so we did a couple of jumps and tunnels. It was great fun! It turned out it was good we started with that, even if I hadn't done any warm up, because when we came back, two We-mean-business border collies where working hard.

The shallow bird lake was filled with geese, ducks and swans, as far as we can tell resting while flying south. The swan family that raised their young here this summer are still there. On a normal winter, these lakes will freeze. Do they know that?

The forest was wonderful as always. I love the soft, green moss, the rocks and fallen trunks that are there for me to jump on, all the forest scents to explore. And I am allowed off lead. Mum loves it too, and enjoys the oblique light playing in between the now leafless trees.

A short dance training concluded our outing. On the whole, a happy day.

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