Oh dear!

So, I hadn't seen my children since early on Thursday morning and they arrived home late last night, and this is what I saw - a big toothless gap, a black bruise on the chin (which was a playground accident) and an upset Dexter!  His front tooth had been very wobbly for almost a month but it just wouldn't come out. On the way back home yesterday he was apparently eating some of his 'trick or treat' sweets which they had been given in London and all we can assume is that his tooth came out and he swallowed it as it was no where to be found! He was upset as he thought the tooth fairy would be cross with him, bless him. We left a note to her and Dexter bounded into our room this morning extremely happy as the tooth fairy had left a note for him and some money!
Can you guess what the tooth fairy told Dexter to do?
Yep...check his poo. 
So at 6:50am this morning (Dex is as regular as clockwork!) all four of us were peering down the toilet inspecting his poo.
What a lovely way to start the day!

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