Day 1029 - Paris

It was just awful to wake up to the news of events in Paris last night.  Such senseless and barbaric attacks on everyday people.

Then throughout the day other tragic events here and in France - a plane crash, a train derailment and a Frenchman man being held at Gatwick after a gun was found.

On the upside, it is moving to watch the solidarity around the world as we stand up to terrorism.

It was quite a nice morning after all the rain of the last few days so it was nice to walk the dog without waterproofs!  There is snow over Trossachs  and I think there may have been a dusting of snow on Ben Cleuch (highest hill in the Ochils) this morning.  This is Dumyat, also one of the Ochils but taken later in the day as the rain arrived...  It was drier longer than expected though!

I wish I could capture landscapes better...

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