My Restless Lens

By terri365

Day 1030 - Overflowing

This burn usually just flows under the tree root to the left of the thin tree above Aonghus' tail and the path crosses the large tree root...  It's been like this since Wednesday and it's deep!

This was the only photo I took today.  My mum and dad came down today and my dad helped me put up my new oval shower rail.  As usual, things didn't go to plan and it took us most of the day...

We did take a break to go for tea and cake in Dobbies.  Poor Dale got upset as she was having a crap day at work with things going wrong and when we appeared a woman was moaning at her about her coffee not being hot enough and she was repeatedly telling Dale how to do her job.  I wanted to butt in but didn't want to make matters worse!  Why do people have to be so horrible just because it wasn't to their satisfaction?  They could at least be polite about it!

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