
By LadyPride

Cafe society and unplanned diversions

My husband and I took Audrey out for lunch on Beech Rd earlier today (pictured). We sat next to a wonderful woman in her seventies. She was all sunglasses, rouge and Elizabeth Taylor esque. Eccentric and glamorous, a wonderful combination! She chatted to us about how she'd brought up her two sons in the sixties. One of them was a huge Audrey Hepburn fan it turned out and now lives with his partner in Camps Bay in South Africa (one of my favourite beaches in the world). She was such a great character, I loved meeting her.

We then eavesdropped on a gallery owner who was discussing her divorce (her husband did something 'terribly bad so the courts are rushing the divorce through'). She told a passer-by that she'd sold a Tracy Emin the week before and had some Hockneys in this week if they cared to pop in for a look.
Where the bloody hell have we moved to? Some sort of bourgeois paradise? Crazy, crazy Chorlton.

Practised driving the Monster Truck and sorting the car seat and assembling the pram without assistance this evening. Left if until too late in the day and in the muggy heat, on four hours sleep, the whole operation was fraught to say the least. The plan was a quick run out before Audrey's bath time which would have been fine if we'd not ended up coming up against a huge car accident on the way home. We were literally second car on the scene just after the police and ambulance crews arrived. No-one seemed hurt despite an upturned car on its belly and another one front ended near by. The problem was that we'd only popped out, had nothing for Audrey in the way of food and the car was low on diesel.

This all became even more of an issue when we were diverted by the police into the M56 in rush hour (despite the fact that we were only a mile from home). It then took us another hour to get home by which time tempers were frayed to say the least!!! Poor Audrey was literally thrown in the bath so we could stick to the bloody schedule.

On the plus side, I got to try out some impromptu advanced driving skills so feel much more confident driving the new car now. Every cloud and all that.

A bad day though. My husband and I were total misery bears. Guess it had to happen after yesterday's good day!

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