
By LadyPride

Reset button

Oh my. You do one thing wrong and the whole bleeding house of cards falls down doesn't it? Last night was by far the worst night yet. For some reason, Audrey didn't sleep much in the day and as such seemed hungrier but for smaller feeds, more often.

Should have known we were in for trouble when the pattern continued into the night. She didn't appear to sleep at all and was feeding every hour at one stage and mainly screaming in between. At one point I just cried with exhaustion. It was soul destroying!

On about an hour's sleep I decided that the next day (today) would be a write off. I'd planned to drive solo in the new car (Monster Truck pictured - not a very inspiring shot bto Didsbury to meet some of the girls from my NCT class at the pub for a drink. Feeling absolutely exhausted, I didn't see that happening.

In the end, I made a decision to carry on regardless. OK it was a bad night, but I could chose to be affected by it or I could carry on and not let it spoil the day ahead.

At 2pm, I bundled a sleeping baby and a complicated Rubix cube pram system into the back of the car (unassisted - small victories like this feel incredible right now) and off we went. Parking was a challenge, as were some narrow streets but we made it!

It was lovely to sit in the sunshine off loading with the other Mums too. They have all had boys (older than Audrey as they are aged 6-8 weeks now) so I joked she'd have plenty of choice of boyfriends when she's older!

We set the reset button on Audrey today too, making sure she had more daytime sleep and making her wait longer between feeds so she ate more in each sitting. You just have to keep experimenting and playing with the variables. Babies are like complex puzzles I've decided.

Right even I'm boring myself with this babytalk now so I'm off. My husband has finished work for the weekend and its handover time.

Maybe I'll read some of my book, have a bath, sort out my wardrobe, write some thank you messages, call my friends, watch some so excited about the possibilities for a few hours. Or maybe I'll just sleep. Night all....zzzzzzzzzz....

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