Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

"Mummy, look! I put cream on my legs!"


Jeff had an accident in his car yesterday. Not his fault. He's fine. The car is not.

We had a crazy day finding paperwork and getting hire cars sorted.

Rebecca had a crazy day herself. She's taken to crying when I'm out of the room again. It's totally teething though! She's been waking a lot at night, taking an age to get to sleep, she's off her food and she's drooling and biting on her fingers or dummy.

Today we had a busy day going to music class, breastfeeding cafe and then Elizabeth's new ballet class.

The ballet was fun. They did toe pointing, skipping, curtseys and other things. Elizabeth hasn't stopped talking about it since.

Her toilet training is going really well. We have a seat for the toilet now, and she's quite happy on it! She has also taken herself to the potty several times.

So, when do we start on nights?!

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