
By Juleshki

Grrrrr.... you want some....?

Elise: "Ok, look, she's got the camera on us, let's make this look good... bite me!"

Hettie: "What, you really want me to bite you... really?"

Elise: "Well, no. Not really really. Pretend! Pretend! Come on!"

Hettie: "Ok, just don't swing on my ears. You're making them really long. Have you noticed how long they're getting? That's you, that is!

Elise: "What? No way! Me?"

Hettie: "Yes, you! And quit strangling me too or I'll bite your bum...! "

Elise: "Fair enough...!"

Elise and Hettie are neighbours.
Playing out.
Jakey was having none of it and continued to sit aloof-ly on the back door-step.
Good move Jakey.

Just finished catching up with all your wonderful comments from here.
My 50oth.

I lead a quiet life.
I don't normally get quite so many comments.
So what on earth do you amazing folk do who get trillions of comments every day?!


Friday tomorrow.
Happy Friday!

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