A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Step Towards My Goals

Anyone that knows me well will be able to tell you that books are a huge part of my life. I started reading this the other day and I must say that despite it not being my usual type of book, I am enjoying it greatly.

I have seen it on many different "must read" lists, and the book has been on my book shelf for ages, but I have finally gotten around to reading it now. I would recommend it to anyone who loves books, whether you like Westerns or not, although McCarthy's writing style takes time to get used to.

I realised a while ago why I love reading so much. When life is boring, or a little lonely, you can escape from reality for a while by reading a book. Characters become best friends and for a short time, you get to live in a different world and see things from a different view point. However, the majority of the time, reading is an easy way to spend time and better yourself at the same time. Reading is learning, and I love to learn.

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