A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Graveyards, Parties and a revelation

Today James went to a party at St Michael's Church in Flixton (the party was in the lovely community centre - it was quite posh!). Whilst the kids were stuffing their faces (and the adults too, as Jane had prepared party food for the grown ups on their own table, including a chocolate fountain with fresh strawberries, profiteroles and big marshmallows to be dunked!) I went wandering around the churchyard.

Yes, whilst the naughty food was being served - must be mad!

I am fascinated by churchyards, and this one was beautiful, and with some very old stones. I love reading the stones and imagining the people that the stones offer remembrance for. Sad when you read of babies and young children and in a way, kind of uplifting when you read those stones for people who have reached a ripe old age - maybe there's hope?!

More pictures here - I was playing around with levels, saturation etc in new software and just having a bit of a tinker!

Churchyard at St Michael's

Went back to the party to find that the good stuff was just being put out for the adults so I stuffed my face with foodstuffs dunked in the chocolate fountain - I SO want one of those for Christmas.

James had a good time, I tuned out somewhat as the noise was getting to me, but I did manage to capture a couple of decent portraits of Jane's newest addition, Luca (it was Luca's first birthday party along with his brother, Josh who shared the party for his 5th birthday)

The revelation is that I have had very little pain today in my abdomen (in fact nothing till I ate this evening) - but apart from the chocolate covered marshmallows, I had nothing to eat until 5.30...have had a bowl of soup and a couple of ryvita, and have started to get little twinges - so methinks this 'mysterious' pain has something to do with my digestive system. So we are moving onto an IBS friendly diet as from tomorrow to see if that helps! Might not, and I'm still going back to the doctors, but anything is worth a try.

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