Corin and Lily

Corin's brother is over from Ireland with his wife (Chris's not Corin's!) and daughter. We went over to see them tonight for an hour or so.

Unlike on previous meetings where Lily has been a little quiet, or last time when she kept pointing at Corin and saying "he's a funny man", tonight she was full of energy, really chatty and clearly fascinated with Corin. It was lovely to see, particularly when she brought him a light bulb ("What's this?" is her favourite question) and he was explaining what it was (hence the "Man at C&A" catalogue pose.)

i can assure everyone that Corin did not do his scary faces until Lily went to bed!

I have slight camera envy as well, as Corin's brother has given him his Canon 20D ...I covet it! Already Corin has started taking random photos of things...I suspect he will be blipping again later.

One more piece of coursework to action plan for a student, then off to bed.

Night all.

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