
Spent most of the day cleaning the conservatory as Anglian are coming to look at my leaks tomorrow! This meant a lot of cleaning of mould, moving of spiders, and tidying and moving of pot  plants! I say pot  plants but they are more like shrubs! Most are over 20 years old and taller than me!Luckily the Plumbago had already been cut back and not watered so easy to carry upstairs. The bougainvillea wasn't too heavy and I managed to maneuver it but the Jade plant - could hardly move it! It's over 5 ft and broader than me! It spent one summer in the front garden on it's side as it dropped all it's leaves and I thought it was dying - however come the autumn I noticed it had sprouted new leaves and it's not stopped growing since! Plus the fact it is covered in minute white flower sprays at the moment! After much tipping precariously and swivelling it was in it's new position! Time to walk Kes! 
It wasn't raining but oh man was it blowy! By the time we had gone through the woods and were on the track I had been hit on the head several times by falling sticks from the trees and Kes was looking none too happy! He finally refused to give me his ball and once we started walking he took the track home with quite a spurt of speed! 
So more cleaning it was! I'm not sure if the spiders were inhabiting chrysalides, but they all seemed to be along the edges of the windows in dense yellow balls of web. I managed to gather most unharmed and dropped them in the garden! Feeling emboldened by this I moved to the kitchen window sill and the mother of all spiders which has been residing there for several months! Every time I go to the sink there it is, parts of its body and legs always in view, I swear it is just biding it's time till it runs at me as I am engrossed in sink activities!  I moved all the orchids, a fern and vase of lucky bamboo in water and the Anthurium which seems to flower constantly, and captured it in a glass, slid  a bit of cardboard underneath and deposited it in the front garden! Now it's only the one over the door in the conservatory to move - which looks like a biting spider and scares me! 
The wind continued to buffet the house all afternoon but it has now gone calm - hope it's the same where you are!

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