
By Madchickenwoman

Up hill!

This is the view from part way up Kit Hill - the word 'Kit' comes from Old English for Kite, a reference to birds of prey, and is a landmark for home as it can be seen for miles. I would have gone to the top but went up on a whim on my way to get food for Milly and Tilly, and it began to rain and since I had no waterproofs and very unsuitable footwear I ran back to the car and continued my journey. This time listened to some Electro Swing - damn fine car and anywhere dancing music!!!
I used to walk on Kit Hill a lot with my dog and it was one of our favourite places, usually windy and often bitingly so, it was a good place to blow away the cobwebs and think. Since doing Blipfoto I've realised I have become more aware of my surroundings - a camera does not cut you off but opens you to it. It can however close you off from your friends when in a social situation. I am always lagging behind on walks and visits to places and miss out on the conversation. Then at other times it acts as a social mixer - prompting people to interact and allowing you to enter situations that otherwise you would not have. However as a solitary activity it is simply divine! With the impetus of Blipfoto I find I am being impelled to activity indoors and out, and heading off to places intentionally or on a whim as I was today - my eye and imagination being caught by something previously unseen or unthought. As a gemini I am either uber sociable and chatty or reclusive and downright anti- social!!! But my camera has become my constant companion!
I used to wonder why my fat cat was so contrary - wanting company and affection on its terms and downright bad tempered if disturbed! I wonder no more - it takes after me!!! But we can both be brought round given the right approach!!

Sunset caught on way back below Kit Hill here!

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