A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Homeward bound

You see that bedraggled looking bush? That's me. Metaphorically speaking. If an image can be a metaphor. Don't ask me, my brain is fried. The delusional monkey bit of it convinced me that today would be an easier ride than yesterday. Pah to that. But I did relax enough to actually enjoy some parts of it and I am leaving feeling that I did a good job. In a quiet, knackered, brain-dead kind of a way so it's a lacklustre woohoo but it's in there nevertheless.

And in the midst of it I had some good news last night about progress on a potential new work opportunity. The only alarming bit at the moment is that I need to submit a CV, or more precisely, resume as it's with an American company. Haven't done that for a long time so there'll be some dusting off to be done on Monday.

But that is then and this is now and I have an hour on a train, a paper and a cup of tea as I am gently swayed home to my family. It's only been two days but such another world that it feels a lot longer. Will be good to see them.

Lesley x

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