I had an interior shot of the chapel altar lined up for my blip today but Lady Findhorn has a far superior one here, so I have posted a detail of the walls instead. This is not stone or tiles, the walls and ceiling were painted to look like stone, and the lanterns are made from bully beef tins. This is a truly amazing and humbling place to visit and read its history. If you approach the building head on only the facade can be seen, but from other angles the Nissen huts are clearly revealed. I am rather fond of Nissen huts, perhaps because I was born in one!

As we got to the car G's beeper went off, a Surf Scoter had been reported at Echnaloch Bay, just one minute away from where we were. Now, we've never been that lucky before with such a nearby rare bird. Off we went, and with the help of the birder who found it as it was some way out, we had an excellent tick for the bird list.

Then it was off to cottage number two at St Margaret's Hope, though when we got there the builders were still in sorting out some storm repairs. We had been forewarned so sat on the quayside and ate our lunch. I could see the men vacuuming away inside, a sight I like to see.

Once they were finished and gone we started unloading the car but .... the builders must have left every door in the cottage open and the place was smothered in white dust. Halt the unloading and begin cleaning. Though as I went from room to room I found I didn't mind, this is the cottage of my dreams.

A bit of exploring around the village followed and then a lovely relaxing evening with the most perfect view ever.

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