Red Lion Square, Holburn

I have been at a conference today at Conway Hall which is highlighted in the thumbnail and is in the left hand corner of the picture. I took this garden on my way this morning and by the time I came out it was dark. Now home and able to upload.

Conway Hall was an interesting building. Info about it says:

Conway Hall is owned by Conway Hall Ethical Society and was first opened in 1929. The name was chosen in honour of Moncure Daniel Conway (1832 – 1907), anti-slavery advocate, out-spoken supporter of free thought and biographer of Thomas Paine.

The Hall now hosts a wide variety of lectures, classes, performances, community and social events. It is renowned as a hub for free speech and independent thought.

The Library holds the Ethical Society’s collection, which is the largest and most comprehensive Humanist Research resource of its kind in the United Kingdom.

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