Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Playing it cool

The day before I start the new job. Trying to act all laid back and cool about whether it will all work out fine, whilst inside thinking, will it Elaine, WILL IT REALLY ELAINE?? Luckily, Haddo was it's usual restorative and distracting self, with added bonus that we now have Max to trail round with us, who is slowly coming to terms with the fact that water will not bite him.  (I might though, if he continues to puppy bit me).

Haddo was cool, very, very cool, blimmin freezin' in fact, Winter is on its way...nearly got blown away in blustery gales outside waiting for my veggie sausage sarnie from Mrs Smith's. Veggie sausages at Haddo house! Times they are a changin'. Forgot entrance pennies for the Christmas fair, therein saving my fragile bank account from an undoubted battering.

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