Nee Nor, Nee Nor

Here it comes with blues and twos flashing and blaring away.

Yes it is an emergency cat blip. Please call the blipescue services right away for me.

In other exciting news... my gallic lift sharing friend is in a disgruntled mood.

The 'blurdy rood works,' which are over running to a degree which one would apparently never find south of the English Channel, bore the full force of his temperament.

It appears that today found him in receipt of a speeding fine/3 points letter.

Of course he is a very safe driver and has skills far in surpass of the average commuter. He illustrated his point by pointing out the faults of many of our fellow commuters, all of whom were much more richly deserving of 3 points than himself.

It was a most entertaining start to the weekend.

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